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Image by Laura Gilchrist


Blended Learning PD and Coaching for teachers (and increasingly, principals) is highly requested among my school and district clients.


I believe this: "For students to thrive, teachers must unequivocally THRIVE"


My mission is to help you achieve your vision for your teachers. My mission is to help your teachers see their immense worth and value as community leaders, feel safe to partner with me and take risks/feel joy in the classroom, and give them the tools and processes to do it! #TeacherAgency #TeachersMustThrive

My Coaching & Consulting Services:

1) Teachers/Staff Blended Learning:

  • One day PD sessions, Multi-day Cohort model PD with classroom, and virtual PD/coaching!

2) Principals Blended Learning Leadership + Customized Coaching: 

  • One day PD sessions plus customized collaborative design of staff meetings and PD for partnership. In-person, virtual, blended (both).

  • This is the highest capacity-building option for your staff and all your kids. I help principals immerse their teachers/staff in the blended learning and partnership conditions in Staff Meetings, PD sessions and more. Custom design of staff meetings and PD for each principal with tools and processes plus coaching. Create the positive school culture that grows all staff and kids -- as the Instructional Leader of your staff. Fast Impact. Transformational impact. Joyful leadership.


Contact Laura to talk about YOUR VISION and play with customized PD and Consulting options to make it reality. (And land open spots on her calendar)

Blended Learning: Services
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